Saturday, August 27, 2011

Getting Back to Blogging and Ready for Hurricane Irene

Wow, what a week here on the East Coast.  First an earthquake and now, Hurricane Irene.

We've been busy taking things inside and getting ready for this storm, worried most about the flooding that will occur throughout New Jersey after all of the rain we've had this summer. 

Hoping that everyone is taking the necessary precautions and that everyone will be safe.

Yesterday I cut as many sunflowers as I could before they were knocked down by the winds and rains tonight and tomorrow. 

Wishing you all lived close enough to stop by for your own sunny bouquet!

And if you do live close by, please do stop by - there are many sunflowers waiting for a safe home before the storm! ;)

May God give you...
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share,
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.

Ciao, bella!