Friday, January 29, 2010

Lunch with a Good Friend

I'm heading over to visit with a very good friend of mine, and bringing along lunch and dessert so she won' t have to fuss about anything. However, she very kindly offered to vacuum the rugs because of my allergy to her golden retriever named Scout.
My friend has had her challenges over the past several years but does her best to keep her outlook positive, however difficult, and continues to be an avid reader and wonderful person to talk to, about practically anything. I think her Irish roots have something to do with that. We have the same birthday, July 16th, so we call ourselves 'Birthday Sisters'. Several of our birthdays have been celebrated together in Cape May, New Jersey - another place that we really love visiting. For years my husband and I have traveled down to Cape May for a few nights, parked the car upon arrival and walked everywhere during our stay. When our children were toddlers we told them that children weren't allowed in Cape May - isn't that awful???? The restaurants are out of this world and continue to improve year after year. There are some staples that have been there forever, like the Washington Inn and 410 Bank Street, and new ones that we love discovering. Years ago my husband and I would go to one of the very established bars for a cocktail, walk to our first restaurant for an appetizer, the next one for our entree, and then finish up for dessert in a small bistro on the closed-off Main Street area. At each stop we often had another cocktail or glass of wine so being able to walk back to our Bed and Breakfast was often advantageous! I think our favorite Bed and Breakfast lodging would have to be the Mainstay Inn on Columbia Avenue. It's rumored to be a former brothel, not sure if that's really true! This year we hope to spend a few Birthday Days down there in July and will probably stay at the Sandpiper Inn. Okay, well off to get in some yoga and weights before getting ready to visit.

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