Saturday, February 27, 2010


Okay, so we finally got to try out our snowshoes!  We were in Mexico during the last snowstorms so didn't get the chance.  I was surprised at how easy it was, although I expected to actually walk on top of the snow, don't ask me why I thought that. 
We walked through our woods in the back of our property, behind the chicken coop, only about  a half mile loop.  The snow was about 15" deep and pristine, sparkly white.  We of course saw many deer tracks throughout our trek, but didn't see any deer, or bears, thank goodness.  I found a great spot to set up some mulled wine and other goodies for a walk that we are planning with our friends tomorrow afternoon.  We have four tree trunks that were cut from an old cherry tree that died - I'm thinking about setting up a carafe of mulled wine, cheese, olives and crackers for tomorrow afternoon.  This area is towards the end of the loop we will be walking, so it will be the perfect place to stop and take a break in the middle of a beautiful, peaceful wooded setting.  Ciao Bella!


  1. wow. sounds like my kind of adventure...never walked in snow shoes though. perhaps to give it a try. thanks for dropping by today.

  2. Hi Ann Marie, I looks like you had a lovely day. It is quite a workout going through the snow!! We took a walk down to our little stream with the dogs yesterday and it is just beautiful out here in our little town. I hope you had a nice weekend.

  3. Darling I can't believe this, you came over my blog and joined my followers and I came over yours and did the same unaware that you had just may be 30 minutes prior done the same. This is incredible, I guess we were meant to meet.


  4. You are both so cute!!! I love snowshoeing. I haven't gone since high school. We actually went snowshoeing for our phys. ed. fun! xoxo


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