Sunday, March 28, 2010


We've been trying to get our basement offices back up and running since we had some water damage about a year ago.  Since I've been retired I've been working out of the kitchen temporarily, specifically from a 6ft square portion of the kitchen and kitchen table - I'm starting to feel a bit claustrophobic and have decided to set up a secondary temporary office space in our unfinished butler's pantry right off of the kitchen.  So, that's what I'm showing off today for Metamorphosis Monday.



Yes, that's a poinsettia behind the laptop screen - she just won't quit, I guess this window and space is just right for her!  Thanks for stopping by Frog Hollow Farm!  Ciao, bella!


  1. I love the brick floors. Your temporary office is great and how wonderful to have a window to look out of! Looks like that poinsettia loves that window too.

  2. Thanks for taking the time to stop by Farmhouse and leaving the kind means alot.

    and i love your cookbooks..and your Easter planning. I always make Easter dinner for my in laws but told them I am skipping it this year...I am just running on empty after my loss of my sweet Buddy. I'll do something quiet here for John and I.

    I am loving your is wonderful

    Can't wait to share Teddy with you...


  3. Love your before and after!! And your blog name!

  4. What a sweet, cozy place to spend some work time or home time, planning menus and taking care of home business. I love the window and the chicken:)

  5. Very cute- Love what you have done.

  6. That looks like you've made very comfortable working space. Hope mine turns out as well. Hope you'll drop by and see our lavender fantasy bath. -- Jane F.

  7. I love it...that tablecloth is wonderful!


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