Thursday, May 27, 2010

Painted Turtle at Frog Hollow Farm

I love painted turtles.  They are usually found sunning themselves on logs that are floating in our pond. Sometimes we see them walking up the sides of the pond to lay their eggs. 
The cutest painted turtle that I ever saw in the pond was a tiny little baby skimming along the top of the water.  He was about 2 inches wide and just so adorable. 

There is so much nature to see in and around a pond.  We have blue and green herons that stop by, as well as an old kingfisher.  Watching him dive head first into the water is spectacular.  Red-winged blackbirds love hanging out in the cattails that grow around the perimeter of the pond.

Our farm is called Frog Hollow Farm due to the very large and loud bullfrogs that live in the pond and make their presence known, especially on hot, humid nights. 

Catfish, striped bass and little sunnies are also seen swimming around.

Colorful koi have been added to help with the algae - they are great at keeping the pond clean by eating the algae that loves to grow in the sunny parts of the pond.  As they swim right beneath the top of the water you can't help but watch them with their beautiful orange, white and black color combinations.   Our koi are a few years old and measure about 12-18 long at this point.  They survive the winter by staying close to the bottom of the pond where the water is warmer.  We keep a bubbler going all winter so that the pond doesn't freeze - which could trap deadly methane gas that can be lethal to fish and other pond life.

Here's the painted turtle swimming away. They are such shy little creatures, I think the clicking of the camera scared him.

Heading to the dentist today for a two hour appointment.  Yesterday was the mammogram day - can my life be any more fun? 

 Just kidding, things are great - loving life, retirement, sunshine and our green and white striped hammock that is way too big for the back porch but I love it there anyway.

Have a great day - Ciao, bella!


  1. I haven't seen a painted turtle in a long time. It must be so wonderful watching life in your pond!


  2. I so envy you your turtle. The dentist and mammogram, not so much.

  3. You live on a beautiful piece of land. It would be fun to see turtles and to hear bullfrogs at night.

    I like your idea of a 'treat' after those not-so-fun appointments.

  4. Ann Marie, I love your sweet turtle! Nature is the best, we are so blessed to live in this area out in the peaceful country surrounded by beauty. I love it here so much, we can drive everywhere and then return to the country....pure bliss. Your pond is delightful I hope your dentist appt. goes well , I was at mine weds. early morning it went well, very quick!
    Have a nice weekend


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