Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kale from the Garden

This is our first summer harvest of delicious, nutricious organic kale.  FHFB asked me to cook something yummy out of it for an early Father's Day dinner on Friday evening, since we were busy with a graduation party on Saturday and Father's Day at my dad's house all day Sunday.  I have it placed on our porch table before bringing it in for a good washing. 
You can see our hammock in the background - which is really where I'd rather be than washing kale, but FHFB was so excited about getting this into the house and onto the stove that I didn't have any time to think about lounging on the hammock.  Actually, that hammock was a Father's Day gift for FHFB many years ago. 
A couple of weekends ago, FHFB and I took cooking classes up at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York.  He took a grilling course, where today's recipe with the kale is from.  Although the recipe called for beet greens, Chef Velie told FHFB that kale would work great as well. 

Beans and Greens Sauté

Makes 6 servings

2 Tbsp olive oil
2 tsp minced garlic
10 cups coarsely chopped beet greens or kale
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 tsp salt, or to taste
1/2 tsp ground black pepper, or to taste
2 cups cooked or canned cannellini beans, drained and rinsed
2 tsp malt vinegar, or to taste

Prepare this savory sauté in a cast iron skillet right on the grill while you grill the pork, or make it ahead of time on the stovetop. If you can't find beet greens, substitute spinach, kale, escarole, collard greens, or turnip greens.

Heat a large sauté pan over the hottest part of the fire or a burner set at medium-high heat. Add the olive oil and heat until the oil shimmers. Add the garlic and move the pan or turn down the heat. Sauté the garlic, stirring frequently, until it is tender and aromatic, about 3 minutes.

Add the beet greens and cook, stirring and tossing briskly with a wooden spoon to coat the greens evenly with the oil. When the greens have cooked down and are a vivid green color, add the broth. Season with 1/2 teaspoon of the salt and a pinch of the pepper.

Bring the broth to a simmer, then add the beans and cook, stirring frequently, until the greens are fully wilted and the dish is very hot. Season to taste with the malt vinegar or balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper.

The best, best, best part of this meal was that FHFB surprised me by flying our son home from North Carolina for the weekend!  My son is a vegetarian, so this dish was perfect for him as well.  It was so wonderful to see him on the porch when I got home on Friday afternoon.  I had baked some Rustic Rhubarb Tarts from the Smitten Kitchen blog for dessert and had to run out for some vanilla ice cream (the perfect addition to the very delicous tarts by the way!  I also made peach and blueberry tarts with the same corn flour/meal dough - yummy!)

The Grilling cookbook that FHFB received as part of taking the course came with this recipe and displayed it as a side dish to barbequed pork ribs, which looked like a really delicious pairing.  We think this dish tasted better the second day, when all of the flavors had a chance to meld together.  I used canned cannellini beans, but Chef Velie used black-eyed peas that had soaked overnight. 

Thanks for stopping by!
Ciao, bella!


  1. Hmmmm....I don't care for kale, but MAYBE it's time to give it another try. I'm always making my children try things again, so it' time for me to try again.

    Thanks so much for coming and joining "Summer Sundays"!

    - The Tablescaper


  3. This greens recipe sounds really good and I love beans, I'll have to give it a try!

  4. I have never grown kale. I am trying to eat it, or drink it in green smoothies. My friend is introducing me to kale and chard and other greens. I did try arugula this year and it is just a couple inches high. Nice to meet you this Summer Sunday

  5. I'm still learning how to fix kale and since I have both kale and beet greens growing in my little garden, I will for sure try this recipe. Thanks!

  6. Your home grown kale is so pretty! I love the fresh green color and your recipe sounds delicious!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Oh my gosh, kale is absolutely one of my favorite vegetables. Love it. I think I am going to have to try those rustic rhubarb tarts - my grandmother always made rhubarb pie and it is another one of my favorites. So glad your son came home!


  8. I am so happy for you! A surprise visit from your son!
    YOur kale recipe looks not only delicious but very good nutritionally too! Yummy!

  9. I'll wait in the hammock and give the kale a try once you fix it!

  10. I have to admit. . . I've never had kale. But your recipe makes it sound so delicious. The gardens are just beautiful! It must be so nice to grow all of your own produce. How exciting to have a surprise visit from your son. I can't think of anything that would make a mom happier. It's been great catching up with your blog. I've been AWOL for a bit, but getting back to blogging again.

  11. Hi Ann Marie,
    I tried to post a comment last night but I don't think it worked?? Anyway your garden looks great and the Kale recipe sounds wonderful. I'm so glad your son was able to come home for the weekend to visit, thats so wonderful!!
    ps, I made the Bermuda Swizzles over the weekend with extra rum and I loved them, they were strong!! Also, thank you so much for reading my children's book , it means a lot to me :)

  12. that kale is so perfect...i have been wanting to try this recipe i found somewhere:

    Tuscan Kale Chips

    12 kale leaves, split with ribs removed
    toss in GOOD olive oil and sea salt

    place in 250 degree oven till crispy

    serve is a tall glass
    good with wine in the evening

    loved visiting you here today..always a treat for me....

    sending love,
    kary and teddy

  13. Hello darling, I have missed you so terribly, truly have. Lady R and I thank you for sweet words and your kind and loving thoughts and prayers. Rosemary is doing much better, she has a long battle ahead of her, but I am certain she will prevail.

    Darling, this is one delicious and nutritious recipe. I love kale and normally just stir-fry it in a little olive oil, salt & pepper and few cloves of garlic. I will definitely try your recipe mostly because I adore cannellini beans. Take care darling and thanks again for your support.

    Love & Hugs


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