Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Vegetable Garden at Frog Hollow Farm

Some of my blogger friends have asked to see photos of our vegetable garden. This is really FHFB's garden, he puts all of the blood, sweat and tears into it and I just pick the goodies, find delicious recipes for them and get to take photos of the beautiful harvest. 
This might be a little boring if you're not into vegetables and flowers. 

Let's take a walk!


Sunflowers - lots of different colors

Asparagus, resting and going to seed

Tomatoes - but they're turning red now!

Butternut Squash - first time we've grown it!

Cinderella Pumpkins - I just love these pumpkins!

Blackberries ripening - they take a while.

Rediculous zucchini - I mean totally rediculous!  I'm finding fantastic zucchini recipes in my Pasta Fresca cookbook.  There's also a grilled potato salad that includes grilled zucchini, radicchio (and goat cheese if you want to add it) with a mustard vinaigrette from and old issue of Bon Appetit that's absolutely delicious.
I can send you the recipe if you like! 

Red Onions - for FHFB's favorite tomato salad.

Basil and Green Peppers
FHFB dries a lot of basil and also makes fresh, delicious pesto for the freezer.

Italian Flat Green Beans - the best tasting green bean around!

Cucumbers and Beets 

Herbs - parsley, sage, oregano, thyme, dill and pineapple mint.

Thanks for touring with me - I hope you enjoyed our walk through the garden.
Ciao, bella!


  1. That vegetable garden is fabulous! It is only 8 am but you're making me hungry!


  2. Beautiful! Lovin' the pumpkin!

  3. What an amazing garden! I wish ours had been so fruitful.

  4. Oh, I love the Cinderella pumpkins. I haven't heard of them and that is exactly what it looks like. Did you buy them someplace special, like a catalogue? Absolutely gorgeous produce. My honey doesn't do gardens or yards. Our son is at the National Scout Jamboree and is gone for 17 days so honey had to mow (usually it would be me, but I asked so nicely). I had to take a photo and send it to my son. He had a good laugh. I think that is the 2nd time in 31 years of marriage that he has mowed! Good thing I was trained in that in my youth.

  5. Ooo, everything looks so delicious! Blackberries look like they'll be delicious.
    The name of your blog caught my eye. Are you affiliated with Frog Hollow Farms in California..the people with the amazing stone fruit?

  6. Beautiful! I love seeing how other's gardens are coming along. Nothing like fresh veggies! Enjoy!

  7. Great Photos FHFG. But we are running out of zucchini recipes.

  8. Your garden is magnificent. What variety of zucchini did you plant? I love the cute stripes!
    Beautiful. Makes me want to go out and week mine!

  9. Hi, from the eastern plains of Colorado. Is your pumpkin really orange already? The ones out here will still be green until September. Hope you'll want to stop in for a visit. ♥♫

  10. I just joined your blog. I love everything about it !!


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