Monday, December 6, 2010

Frog Hollow Farm Has a Winner!

After a full day of decorating the outside of our little farmhouse FHFB finally came inside to sit in front of our fire with a glass of wine.  He never used to drink wine (can you imagine, an Italian who doesn't drink wine) but has started enjoying a glass with me every once is a while - I'm sure I drink enough wine for both of us anyway - LOL!  

Everything outside 
 looks so nice - FHFB does such a great job and loves to use fresh cut greens from our property to decorate the flower boxes and porch railings!  We were so tired yesterday that I didn't get a photo (I was inside decorating our tree and designing the tablescape for next weekend's cocktail party for all of the weathermen and their wives/girlfriends.  Yes, FHFB is a meteorologist!

After pouring two glasses of a delicious Sicilian white wine (Grillo) that we discovered in Burlington Vermont, we both relaxed in front of our Christmas tree and as promised,  FHFB chose the winning name of the Christmas dish give-away....Lynn over at Happier Than a Pig in Mud!  So, Lynn, I hope this little win does make you happier than a pig in mud today!  Lynn has the cutest little blog and is always posting something interesting and fun - and she has a great sense of humor!

Thanks to all of you who participated in my very first give-away!  I loved reading your recipes and ideas for filling up that cute little dish!

PS - Lynn, please email me your address so that I can get this cute little dish out in the mail for you!

Ciao, bella!


  1. Oh how fun, thank you so much! I look forward to adding some goodies to this great dish:@)

  2. Congrats to Lynn. May she have many seasons of Christmas treats with it!

  3. Lynn...I'm so happy for you!!!!

    I am an italian and don't drink any wine, my hubby does.... ahahahah, I'm waiting for FHFG Xmas decorations pics...have a nice Monday...ciao e tanti baci, Flavia

  4. Congrats to Lynn I hope you she enjoys many healthy and happy years of using this lovely gift!!
    I have a class to teach tonight and Ollie is home sick..Oh my doesn't it always work out this way when you have children?!! He has a sore throat and fever and wants to be held, he doesn't want his mommy to prepare for her class....I may to get Dorkalicious over here to babysit until Josh gets home from work...its always an adventure of some kind ..have a nice day.

  5. congratulations to lynn...i have seen her around blogville and am off to see her blog....

    happy to visit here today

    kary and teddy

  6. It's a pleasure to meet you! I can't wait to try your rolled cookie recipe! Have a nice day! Twyla

  7. Can't wait to see the pictures of the tree and the table from the Xmas party. Love your blog, thanks for letting me know about it.

  8. Congrats to the winner!
    Loved wandering the posts
    on your sweet blog. Looking
    forward to popping back over
    xx Suzanne

  9. Hi Ann Marie, stopping by to wish you and your family a beautiful, magical and blessed Christmas!

  10. stopping by to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS, my friend

    kary and teddy


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