Monday, January 23, 2012

Hello Everyone!

Hi everyone, I am so happy to finally be sitting down at my computer and sharing with all of my wonderful blogger friends!  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas - Thanksgiving Day was celebrated here and Christmas was with Frog Hollow Farm Boy's family.  Both days were full of fun, family, food and our signature cocktails.

So, I'm just posting a few photos to get you up to date with some things.  

Our Thanksgiving Table

Some Christmas Decorations

Our cat Olive sitting on a warm woodstove!

One more photo from our July trip to Ireland, just needed to share that blue water with you all!

Wedding dress in window in Florence, Italy

This is a magnificent photo of our brave boy Connor.  

Connor is my niece Jennifer's little boy.  He was diagnosed with a form of leukemia in late October and is being treated vigorously with different chemotherapy medications - the treatment protocol involves two years of treatment.  

This photo was take by a photographer with a company called Flashes of Hope at the hospital right when Connor was diagnosed.  Since then Connor has lost his hair.  
His prognosis is very good - we pray for him every day.  

That's all for now friends.  I will be visiting as many of you as I can - that's the fun part of blogging!

Ciao, bella!


  1. Oh, what a beautiful boy Connor is! My prayers are with him and all of you as you endure his treatments! He has the sweetest face! Sounds like you were gone for a while too. Sometimes a break is perfect for blogging isn't it?

  2. Nice to see you back blogging again, Ann Marie! I'm glad to hear that Connor is doing well. I followed his progress on FB and he has been in my prayers.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about Connor, but happy to hear his prognosis is good. I hope he is doing well. What a beautiful boy he is. I'll say a prayer for him! Love your other photos...especially the one of your kitty on the woodstove!
    Hugs, Cindy

  4. your kitty is brave sitting there! love the blue water too~


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