Sunday, February 26, 2012


Although it's late February here in northwest New Jersey, the tulips, daffodils and other bulbs that are along the outside walls of our stone farmhouse have been peeking out from their winter naps. 

After the holidays I always love buying fresh tulips - they are so simple and elegant. 

I usually begin with white tulips just to tone down a bit from all of the Christmas decorations and lights, but as you can see, I am all about tulips with color right now!
These gorgeous tulips are placed in an old wooden milk bucket that we purchased up in Cape Cod many years ago.  A smaller, plastic container sits right inside the bucket to hold the flowers and water.  To me at least, tulips always look good in this very primitive container.

This photo was taken with Instagram - you know, I see all of these applications being used by friends and I always give them a try myself, but really don't have a great handle on any one of them. 

Just started a Pinterest account and found a fabulous design plan for my pantry/work room/buttery - a new room that is off of the kitchen and in the planning for the last several years. 

Be sure to check out my next post for the photo!

It's been awhile but I'm happy to be linking over to Seasonal Sundays #89 at the Tablescaper!

Ciao, bella!


  1. I bought some pink ones a couple weeks ago and enjoyed them so much!! Can't wait for the ones in my backyard to poke up through!! Hope you are having a great weekend.

  2. The tulips are beautiful! Love the pop of color:@)

  3. Love the name of your blog! Beautiful tulips--one of my favorite flowers.

  4. I love tulips - they're one of my favorite flowers! Your blog header photo is also gorgeous! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on Buster's post! We hope you'll visit us again soon! I'm your newest follower.
    Hugs, Cindy, Buster, Rudy and Sam

  5. Good Morning! Your tulips are so pretty! I buy cut flowers all winter too. We're starting to see some buds on trees here in Missouri...spring really is just around the corner.

    Have a great Monday.

  6. Hey darlin', this Ozark Farm Chick just popped in to say 'Howdy' to another farm chick!!!

    Girl, I love the pic in your header, I do so need to play with my camera more!!!

    I had fun pokin' 'round in your beautiful blog sweetie. Don't worry, I put everything back 'just the way it was!!! I'm twisted like that! Heeehehehehe!!!

    From the happy hills and hollers of the sunny Missouri Ponderosa, ya'll have a blessed and beautiful day now, ya hear??? :o)

  7. Can't wait to see your pantry. It's one of the great things that older houses had that we've lost. What I would give for a nice big pantry!

    Nice to see you blogging again! I've been off and on again myself, but love keeping in touch with you this way:)

  8. Your tulips sing of Spring! It's wonderful to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  9. Lovely pictures and ideas on your blog! My favourite is the kitchen window: great idea!!!


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