Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Absolutely Loving Retirement

I just love waking up and having the day ahead of me to prepare a great dinner with new delicious recipes and without the stress of having worked all day.
I'm sitting at my kitchen table looking out at our partially frozen pond, with a pot of blossomed mini-daffodil bulbs between me and the window. Although it's always been important for me to take care of our home and make it as comfortable and attractive as possible, I didn't takeenough time to enjoy it. Being able to appreciate the beauty of the wintry pond in the comfort of my kitchen while cooking up some new recipes for dinner is truly a blesssing. I'm preparing dinner ahead of time because of some errands I need to take care of during the day, and I won't be getting home until 6:30 tonight. This is what we are having for dinner:

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