Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Glass Less Than Half Full

Actually, that's a good thing because I'm talking about the glass of red wine sitting to my left on our round, pumpkin pine kitchen table. I love having a glass of wine (doesn't everybody?), especially when sitting with my husband Frank on our back porch in the summer or in front of a roaring fire in the winter.
This particular glass of red wine is part of this evening's 'wind down' time, looking through the mail and waiting for, yes, American Idol to start. Today was a busy day - lots of errands with returns (bathing suits, ugh!) and some organizers for jewelry and my makeup drawer. Yesterday's visit to the Bobbi Brown Studio in Montclair was well worth it. Except for the driving rain, flooding and high winds, the trip was easy. The store is right next to the train station, with metered parking on the street. Yuby was the consultant who worked with me; sh's beautiful and very approachable and helpful, looks like she's about 27 years old, and she has a 14 year old son! Anyway, she helped me complete a palatte of colors for my trip to Mexico, looked through and provided guidance for the 50+ peices of Bobbi Brown makeup that I brought with me from home, and even looked over all of my brushes, cleaned them, and made a recommendation to replace only one brush. I would definitely recommend a trip to the Bobbi Brown Studio in Montclair - especially if you are looking for some very individual attention in a very cool studio space.

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