Saturday, January 30, 2010

Going Backwards

I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like things go backwards here in our home. For example, we had renovated our basement and turned it into a very functional two-room office space for my husband's business. The office has an outside entrance off of the side of our home and worked beautifully for many years, until the business expanded to the point where a larger space was needed.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Lunch with a Good Friend

I'm heading over to visit with a very good friend of mine, and bringing along lunch and dessert so she won' t have to fuss about anything. However, she very kindly offered to vacuum the rugs because of my allergy to her golden retriever named Scout.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Morning Surprise

Woke up this morning ready for the installation of the new propane stove in the conservatory but was surprised by the snow-covered ground outside. One day later would have made things perfect; the stove would have been installed and we would be watching the snowfall from the conservatory this morning.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Absolutely Loving Retirement

I just love waking up and having the day ahead of me to prepare a great dinner with new delicious recipes and without the stress of having worked all day.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Glass Less Than Half Full

Actually, that's a good thing because I'm talking about the glass of red wine sitting to my left on our round, pumpkin pine kitchen table. I love having a glass of wine (doesn't everybody?), especially when sitting with my husband Frank on our back porch in the summer or in front of a roaring fire in the winter.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The 4th Monday

Today is the 4th Monday of my retirement - that wonderful fact meant that I didn't have to set the alarm clock or think about anything except scheduling things that I wanted to do. As it turned out I was up at 5:30am anyway, some habits are hard to break.